Let Summer Vacay Begin!

My summer break officially began at 4:00 on Monday, June 3rd, and I couldn't be more grateful for several weeks to relax and enjoy my time however I see fit!  So, my idea is that every day of Summer vacation I will take a picture or two of what we were up to that day and then put them together into weekly Summer Vacay posts.  I think it will be a great way to document our summer: the fun, the bland, and the home-renovating-dirty.  I don't have a full week yet, but we've had two and a half days and it's been as restful as an entire week off!

We must have read at least 6 books 2-3 times each after I got home from work on Monday, I would read it first on one couch and then Cailyn would run over to Jerod sitting on the other couch and say, "Da-yee, Da-yee!  Book?"

The morning of our first day of Summer vacation together we had some good times baking more banana bread- my freezer is finally free of old frozen bananas!  Cailyn was under the impression that the thing out bread was missing was a little grape KoolAid.

This picture is of such terrible quality, I apologize.  I took it with my phone because I stupidly left my camera at home.  I thought the blurriness was because of the light exposure in the mall, but after getting home I notice someone's tiny smudgy little fingerprint on the camera lens of my phone.  We went to Jordan Creek and Cailyn got her fair share of time in on the play place.  I always said I would never let my kids play on those germ-infested climbing monstrosities, but after having a child that is so active I understand why parents let their kids loose on them.  I had to keep stifling the teacher in me- as you can see from this photo, most of the children do not play appropriately on the climbers and several were too big to be in the area.  Cailyn made me proud when she was getting ready to slide down a slide and another child started climbing up, "No, no," she said, and told the child off in gibberish pointing to the stairs to climb up to the top of the slide!

My special treat was a trip to Sephora to pick out new eyeshadow!  The bonus was that I found two on clearance so I only paid full price for one, they're totally worth full price, but who wants to pay full price?!

I will try to do a Summer Vacay post every Wednesdsay- it seems that's the only night we don't have baseball games this season, so I have time while Jerod is at practice and Cailyn is a-snooze.  Let's hope I can keep up with my crazy idea!

Aaron Burdorf  – ( June 7, 2013 at 6:37 AM )  

Love this idea Mary! Can't wait to see what you're up to over the summer. :)

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