Anyone Pinterested in Reese's Cheesecake Brownies?

I crack myself up! 

But seriously people, this recipe was DE.licious.  I found it on Pinterest, but I won't make you spend an extra three minutes looking for it on there- because if you're like me three minutes is impossible, it inevitably turns in to at least 30 minutes.  Am I right?!  So as not to put you through the torture of pinning a million more things you'll probably never actually get to- CLICK HERE for this Best-thing-since-peanut-butter-cups-alone recipe.  And for your viewing pleasure, I'll also include some photos of our baking process.  We had some time to kill last Thursday since Jerod was at a ball game in Parkersburg and didn't get home until almost 1:00 in the morning, and Mommy had a sweet tooth.  Sounds like the perfect recipe for Redbox movies and dessert!

This little girl is quickly becoming very helpful and I love that she is interested in helping (or "happing" as she would put it).  She grows before my eyes and I can't even begin to say how lucky I am to have her for a daughter- plus, she LOVES to cook which tells me we will have much for kitchen fun in the future!

First, the brownie batter made according to the directions on the box

Next, lick the spoon clean so that we can mix up the peanut butter cheesecake layer (We used a different spatula for that ectually, not because I cared about germs- because she was taking FOR-EV-ER to eat the batter off the spoon!)

Mix up the peanut butter, one can of sweetened condensed milk, and 8 ounces of softened cream cheese and spread over brownie batter.  I had to make sure and push it from the center toward the edges, I didn't want all the cheesecake in the middle of the pan

Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees, cool for 30 minutes on a cooling rack, and 30 more minutes in the fridge- we took this opportunity to watch Wreck It Ralph, which was so good!  I definitely cried... I also refrigerated my peanut butter cups at this time so that they would be easier to chop up.  Next, melt the chocolate chips and whipping cream together and spread on top of the cooled pan of cheesecake brownies.  I will say that I don't think you need the whipping cream, just melt the chips by themselves, mine got all clumpy and I had to kind of spread out the globs and pat them over the top.  Then, sprinkle on your chopped peanut butter cups- the recipe calls for 12, but I used 16 and I got my packages of 8 cups each from ALDI for $1.29 a package.  Then, I chilled it for a bit longer to set the candy and chocolate topping.

We then enjoyed every morsel in every layer- and some of those morsels may have been retrieved from the kitchen floor since this is NOT a dainty dessert- but in this house we believe in the 5-second rule, or in Cailyn's case, the 2 day rule...yeah, it's been known to happen...

I hope you have as much fun making this dessert with your loved ones as we did.  I think it makes food taste so much better when you can link it to some quality time with people you care about!

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