Beatin' the Heat

Totally off topic- I have my camera on my lap in front of my belly and the baby just kicked so hard that it almost fell onto the floor!  Little stinker's already so strong!

After doing weekly posts for so long I feel like I haven't blogged in forever.  We're back to work for the school year, and my students just started this past Tuesday- my morning students that is!  It's been so stinking hot we've been having early dismissals all week, so I haven't had time with my afternoon class yet.  Not that I'm complaining!  It's been kind of nice to ease in to the school year with just one group of kids, because the first week or two is incredibly exhausting, especially when you are T minus 5 weeks from birthing a new chunk-a-munk.  I have really appreciated the extra time with Cailyn, even though she goes down for nap around the time I pick her up.  I've been letting her stay up just a little longer and we even got to nap together today!  Otherwise, this is how we've been spending our early outs together:

Being ornery

Improving some fine motor skills via play doh

Being straight up divas!

Realizing that I can no long see my feet if I look straight down- 35 weeks now!

Trying to spray mommy with the hose....

....and laughing hysterically when she succeeded!

Hope you're staying cool out there!  Have a very happy Labor Day weekend!

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