Summer Vacay Dailies: Week 8

I am so exhausted!  You are lucky to be getting this post on time at ALL- I really wish I wasn't so dedicated to doing these posts at this point, ha!

Without further ado...

Thursday July 18
We marked 4 years of wedded bliss this past Thursday (and by bliss I mean loving each other all the time, and liking each other most of the time).  God couldn't have brought me to a better man, I am a very lucky lady, love you babe!  We celebrated by having a family date to Hickory Park, complete with a BIG ice cream sundae for dessert!

Friday July 19
 Cailyn's hair has grown in a little lopsided, so I gave a her her first trim Friday morning- please excuse my exposed belly.  It's difficult for me to find things that go all the way over my beach ball lately.  She was a great customer via watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I trimmed!  She also received a nice pedicure later- she loooooves to use the foot bath because it makes bubbles when we wash her tootsies off.  Also, she is apparently ready for winter- she kept dragging out her coat and snow pants and yelling, "SNOW!"

 Saturday July 20
The baseball team had a third round district game and we, of course, traveled out to attend.  It was a great game with an unfortunate half an inning- the other team just smoked the ball when they were at bat.  The boys had such an amazing season regardless of their wins and losses.  They really came together as a team and I am so proud of Jerod and Nate for their ability to reach out to their players and be wonderful examples of how to play the game with class.  

 Sunday July 21
Cailyn's birthday party was a blast!  She is beginning to understand parties and gifts and such, so she was very excited to see everyone and all of the gifts and bags her guests brought with them.  Her favorite?  A bath baby given to her by her Uncle Ty...she totes it with her everywhere she goes.  It's the baby doll in the bottom right photo- there are no words, we laughed our tails off when she opened it.  There's obviously nothing wrong with it, but honestly- how many white toddlers do you know who own ethnic baby dolls?!  We love it- it's friggin' adorable.  :)

 Monday July 22
 This was the lone picture I had from Monday.  It was an exhausting afternoon for Jerod who was busy tearing out retaining wall blocks and flagstone pavers from our backyard.  This is what the front stoop looked like after he had been lying on his back in an old t-shirt.  Yeah, he sweat so much that it soaked the stoop except where he had a number on his shirt.  Ha!  Love it!

 Tuesday July 23
All of Jerod's hard work from Monday was in preparation for a paver sidewalk we are installing on the North side of our house to lead from the driveway back to the patio.  On Tuesday JB went through 6 shirts, meaning he soaked the previous 5.  He moved a lot of dirt and we rented this sod cutter that you kick to operate manually- amazingly, it was a lot less work than you would think.  Needless to say, we got way more done while the little lady was sleeping (and by we, I mean Jerod).  I was frustrated because I can't be as helpful as I'd like to be during this project due to Baby 2.  Jerod has been very good about making sure I sit and rest after a little while- he's a good man.

 Wednesday July 24
Jerod barreled through the dirt removal and we were able to begin pouring the sand base for our pavers after he did some much needed packing of the pathway using a tamper from the baseball field.  While he worked Cailyn and I went to meet up with a friend of mine from work, and her kiddos.  We played at the park, ate lunch, and then came back to help with paver pathway prep.  Later in the evening my mom and siblings showed up from Sioux City to stay for a few days.  We are excited to do some laying of pavers and possibly some shopping... (What??  Mary, shopping??)

Also, today our friends' little son had surgery.  He is waiting for a kidney transplant and, in the meantime, needed to have a new catheter put in since his old one was from when he was born basically.  He's a few months older than Cailyn and we see them a lot so they are very dear to us.  Please join us in praying for a speedy recovery for their little man, take care Blake!  Find out more about his surgery here.

Aaron Burdorf  – ( July 25, 2013 at 2:51 PM )  

First of all, Happy Anniversary! :) Secondly, thank you for all your super kind words about Blake and our family. We love the Browns too!

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