What kind of bun are we baking??

I'm not gonna lie- even though I was the one who insisted on not finding out about Cailyn's gender during our first pregnancy when my hubby wanted to, it kinda sorta ate me alive until she finally made her debut!  This time around I just couldn't wait to know, and, of course, wouldn't you know, Jerod was the one who didn't care if we peeked or not- ugh!  However, since he said he didn't care I took that as a, "Yes, of course we should find out!"

So without further ado.....

 Ultrasound Pictures!

Just kidding!

We are very excited to meet this little man in about four and a half more months.  I feel a lot less pressure to have a boy now in the future- not that Jerod cared, I just think most guys say they don't care but they secretly all want a little boy.  So now he has a baseball player! 

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