Fun in the Snow- when it was here that is!

Well, after the 14 inches of snow that came down just before Christmas we thought it was about time to take the little miss out for her first (technically second) tumble in the snow.  It was lots of fun despite it being probably a bit too cold for us to be out there for the long 15 minutes we were.  I loved that it was cloudy, the natural light was perfect for picture taking! 

So, anyway 2 pairs of socks, one pair of snow pants, one hooded sweatshirt, a pair of boots, one winter coat with a furry hood, one fleece stocking cap, a pink scarf and two pairs of mittens later we finally trooped out into the cold quiet outdoors.

Miss Independent wanted so badly to walk through the snow by herself, but as you can imagine it was a slightly daunting task for someone who's only a year and a half

When she inevitably took a tumble and couldn't get back up....

...I was happy to help her by holding her hand

She must have been thinking, "Look at all that SNOW on the patio set!"

Because she immediately trudged over to it and began smacking snow off of the bench in delight and giggles.  She started off hitting it slowly and then pushed the snow off faster and faster until-

"Mom, help me out here, it's right on my eyes!"

All better!

This time she didn't fall down, she pulled away from me and went down on purpose, and then tried to crawl through the snow but the snow wasn't having it

By the end she was covered in snow with rosy cheeks and a leaky nose, it was time to call it quits

Believe me, we tried to get the snow pants off of her, but she really didn't want to take them off

I figured she must still be cold so we made the traditional after-snow-play treat of hot cocoa with plenty of marshmallows, mmmm...

Now that the snow has melted considerably we don't get to go out in it, so I'm ecstatic that we made the trek out there over break and Cailyn could experience the joys of a big snow.  I have a feeling this little girl is going to love it as much as I did when I was a kid, we can't wait to share more of these experiences with her!

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