Learning something new every day
Well, Cailyn is one week already- where does this time go? We learn more about her with each passing day. So far, we know:
-She hates being naked
-She loves sleeping snuggled up on mom or dad's chest
-She loves to drag out nursing sessions (but it's okay because I love the time to cuddle with her)
-When she wants to eat- she wants to eat NOW
-She doesn't like to sleep in her crib or play pen- but she'll zonk out in her car seat (so we brought one inside for naps and bedtime)
-Sponge baths are not her favorite past time- as for real baths, we shall find out soon since her umbilical cord stump fell off today!
-She is the sweetest most beautiful thing we could have ever hoped for and we couldn't love her more
Love the pictures you are posting and the things you are finding out about Cailyn. Love JD's dimples she has!!! One night Gpa Bret was in and showed him your blog and pictures
Rex and Judy