Our first First Birthday!

This weekend we celebrated Cailyn's first birthday with our families!  It was fantastic, even though it was sweltering!  We decided since she's so little it was probably okay to just have close family members for this birthday, we didn't want to scare her by having too many people around that she didn't really know.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even some great aunts and a second cousin, were in attendance to help us wish our baby girl a wonderful birthday and a happy second year of life.  I became semi-obsessed with making photo pages because I didn't want to have to upload a bajillion photos to the blog for this post, plus I have been creating a mixbook for her first year and love all the photo layouts they have :)

We had a relaxed BBQ before opening gifts, singing "Happy Birthday", and eating cake and ice cream.  We also took our fourth family photo- which reminded me we've never had a nice one taken, you know, the kind you put in a frame over your couch or something, I think this is necessary now.

I was up until 1:00am making that cake- it was an adventure for sure- I'm glad "pastry chef" isn't my title.  We decorated with penant swag cut from scrapbooking paper, and I saw online an idea for hanging photos from each month of her first year- loved it!  I also added a canvas she painted for Daddy to hang in his office at school up on the shelf in the background.

Family photo number 4

She received so many cute dresses and outfits, I think about 5 or 6 books, this fun Dora lawn chair, and that great singing coupe car (thanks Grandma Jacque and Grandpa Mark- just kidding, she loves it and that's all that matters I guess)

She also was given her own baby doll with a car seat from Grandma and Papa Brown, and Aunt Mandy gave her a personalized photo story and a crib/high chair set to go along with her new baby.  She is so cute with it, giving the baby kisses and pretending to feed her.  Good practice for if there's every a new Baby Brown in the future!  (By the way, the baby doll package was the first time we've had to untwist ties or cut straps that hold dolls in- a milestone for us as parents of a girl)

First bite of birthday cake....and last shot before getting cleaned up, I'd say she finished almost half of her jumbo cupcake, the floor got the rest.

Down for the count- partying is hard work!

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