Spring Break: Day Four

I completely meant to do a Day Two and Day Three of Spring Break, but we didn't really do much and I totally forgot to take pictures of the couple house things we worked on. So a quick recap is that we sanded and stained the steps going down to the basement. They were the same light color of oak that we have in most of the house, but we did the man room in a darker stain so we wanted to maintain that color throughout the basement. They look really good and are ready for spindles, a banister, and some carpet....whenever that happens.

On this, day four, of our spring break we hung at the house again, repaired some popcorn texture on the ceiling in the kitchen, and took a walk up to the post office (my new Tristan Prettyman CD came in today- woohoo! I love to listen to her music because it puts me in a summery mood- think Colbie Callait-ish. Have a listen to Tristan Prettyman, my fave is Love Love Love on her Twenty Three album).

When Jerod went to pitching practice tonight Cailyn was in a silly mood, her bottom teeth were ready for their picture debut, the natural light was great, and the camera was ready....

Can you see them peeking up just above her bottom lip?

Hellooooo baby blues

Can you tell she's not a fan of the grass on her legs? She must have a thing about textures or something, i.e. the bear crawl video

Our baby girl, getting bigger and smarter every day. Who knew something so small could complete your whole life?

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