Cailyn's Christmas Vacation

Hi, my name's Cailyn, and mom says I'm almost six months old. She also says I was a trooper with all the traveling we did. I'm not sure what that means, all I know is there were new faces every time I got out of my car seat! First, we went to a farm and stayed with Grandma Deb and Grandpa Bret and Uncle Tanner. I wasn't too sure about Tanner- he kept mean muggin' me....

Anyway, we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Brown on Friday night and Uncle Ty and Uncle Beau came over- sometimes I have to look really hard at all of them because if I look too fast I think it's Daddy. After dinner I got to rip up some paper and what do you know? There was some noisy things inside a red box just for me, Grandpa Bret said they're farm animals and a barn to carry them in.

I'm not too good at making the farm animals talk yet, so Dad helps me.

The next day we just hung out and played with my new toys and Great Granpda Charlie came over with more stuff, have you ever heard of a doll? Me neither, but that's what he got me and I guess it tastes good so I like it. We went to church that night and mom made me get all "fancy" which means I had to wear shoes, too. I'm good at kicking off shoes :)

That's my Grandma Deb, I'm smiling on the inside....that finger was just too tasty!

What is it with all the pictures when I'm fancy?

After church it was time to see Great Grandma Carole for a party. I also met Uncle Rex and Aunt Judy, they helped me open my presents. Mom and Dad said, "Wow, they make so much noise," but their faces didn't look like "wow", they looked like when I spit up on Mom right before she goes to work. We just stayed for a little while, but they released me from my dress and that stinky headband- it squished my head all up. Then, we left for Sioux City to see Grandma and Grandpa Wyant.

Look up there in the corner, you see what I mean about the mean-muggin?!

This rocking horse is great, but so far I can't play with it by myself, what do you expect? I just learned to crawl 2 days ago!

I slept the whole way to Sioux City and went right back to sleep when we got to the house, I was so tired I didn't even care I was sleeping on my back.

Can you believe those kids forgot to give Santa cookies and milk?! I'm not sure what cookies are but I like my milk and if you didn't give me my milk I sure wouldn't leave you presents...

We didn't have to go anywhere in Sioux City, we just played and ate and slept. Then, on the last day we stopped to see Great Grandma Mary and Great Grandpa George and I brought home MORE noisy things!

Do you know I get to do things at Grandma and Grandpa's house that mom NEVER lets me do? Like, look at me- that's not the floor people, that's the table I'm crawling on- and Grandma Jacque let me :)

Crazy sideways picture- Uncle Tom got me a mirror for Daddy's car and guess what? IT MAKES NOISE!

Remember I told you I got a doll and it tastes good?

I'm not sure who's supposed to be having fun here- to get out of it I just lay there, then Dad gets bored.

That's all for now folks, I had a good time hanging out with mom and dad, but I miss my friends at daycare- grown-ups just don't like to play like they do!

Love, Cailyn

Anonymous  –   – ( January 8, 2012 at 3:01 PM )  

Love your post and getting to see her do all the new things she will be doing in her life. Awesome to see a baby grow..Love the video and getting to hear her, Love Judy and Rex

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