And she's off!

Ladies and gentlemen let the games begin! In the past 2 weeks our sweet little baby girl has become a tornado since learning to actually crawl by alternating legs and beginning to pull herself up to standing. We used to be able to toss stuff onto the couch to get it out of her reach but now we actually have to CLEAN! This is how Cailyn spent the past weekend:

We didn't really consider baby fingers when we purchased this entertainment center on our honeymoon....whoops.

I wish I could say that was a basket of clean laundry- the good news is, at least she wasn't trying to eat anyone's socks or undies!

Previously this space was home to our laptop when not in use, now just another nook for a little booger to climb into and rummage through Daddy's baseball notebook.

Great Grandma Mary sent her a soft blanket in the mail- she sleeps with it, but she couldn't get enough of the box it arrived in :)

Wish us luck in trying to keep up with a new mover!

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