Summer Vacay Dailies: Week Ten

The last couple weeks of our summers are usually spent cramming in everything we wanted to do over the entire summer but just couldn't quite get to for one reason or another.  One of my proudest accomplishments this past week was getting our August dinner menu planned and purchased within 48 hours!!  It usually takes me about a week to organize everything, but I rocked it this past week.  I think I'll do a post about that in a couple days in case any of you want to nab some dinner ideas from it- I am so happy to share with everyone!

Thursday August 1
Grocery shopping in the morning and a night in for Mommy and Moose while Jerod enjoyed the High Life Lounge and some state baseball.  Also, we received Cailyn's two year photo book in the mail and it looks great!  My goal is to create one every year for each child after their birthday that year- so far I'm 2 for 2...we'll see how the rest go over the next 18-20 years!

Friday August 2
We met up with one of my great friends from college and her girls at an outlet mall.  It was so great to see her and the little ladies- who are definitely NOT so little anymore.  Cailyn loved having some friends to play with for a little while and B's gals were so friendly to her, and were a blessing to help keep her occupied so I could get some shopping done for our little guy.

Saturday August 3
Our city-wide garage sales happened this day which meant I scored 3 new Cailyn shirts, 5 new baby boy sleepers/outfits, baby socks, and 12 metal trays to be transformed into writing boards for $11!  Woot, woot!  For dinner I tried a new Pinterest recipe for this baked potoatoes that you slice before you cook and they were delish- recipe HERE.

Sunday August 4
We stopped by my school of business to drop off all the stuff I had purchased over the summer and needed Jerod to carry in for me.  I am always amazed by how no matter how long my vacations are, it always feels like I never left.  Oh well, I suppose such is the life of a grown-up!  Cailyn had a good time on the preschool playground while Daddy carried stuff in.

Monday August 5
I had a training Monday morning and spent more time in my classroom organizing and putting some stuff together.  That night was a low-key one at home with some bath time fun, Panera style broccoli cheese soup, and homemade cookies.  It truly is the simple things in life, right?

Tuesday August 6
Tuesday Cailyn tried to escape lip gloss kisses and enjoyed her first move theater experience with Despicable Me 2.  We don't go on many movie dates and I forgot how incredibly loud it is in those theaters, I'm astounded she wasn't deaf afterward!  She loved it though and was ready for a nap when we got home.  While she snoozed Jerod and I replaced some Dwarf Alberta Spruce trees that were looking like the tree form of death warmed over.  Remember when we had to transplant them on June 19??  We didn't do a very good job of watering them and therefore they ceased growing.  Ugh.

Wednesday August 7
Pancakes, painting, and playing were our highlights this Wednesday.  Along with disassembling, reassembling, and reorganizing our entertainment center.  Jerod was annoyed at me for going through everything- I don't think he gets how this nesting thing works.  We changed the setup of our entertainment center so that the small cupboards are now on  the bottom and the TV console section sets on top of it- out the reach of grubby chubby little paws- Yay!  Why didn't we think of this sooner?!

We only have one more activity left on our Summer to-do list, hopefully we can get to it before vacation ends next Wednesday.  I'm going to do my best to prvide some Summer-Vacay-Dailies-worthy photos to you for our final summer post next week!

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