First Ever Photo Dump!

I've never done this before, usually I try to have a theme for a post or make it seem like there is one.  However, I just realized I had pictures all the way back from Easter that I still haven't posted!  So here you go, our first ever photo dump, which I'm sure is only the first of many, haha!

All showered and dressed up for Easter Sunday Mass- two thirds of this outfit would be shed before eating Easter dinner at noon :)

Hunting for Easter eggs for the first time- she totally didn't get why she was looking for them, but loved the treats she had inside!  I believe the Easter Bunny brought bracelets, goldfish crackers, M&M's, jelly beans, and new crayons.

Snugging up with Grandma Deb

This girl loooooves to color!  She loves crayons and colored pencils and will color with them anywhere- literally.  We have learned how to get crayon off of window trim, carpets, walls, grout, etc....  She also has a forbidden love with markers- I don't think I need to elaborate on why they it's forbidden.

Toward the beginning of April Cailyn decided she wanted to start sitting on the potty.  We made a huge deal out of every time she went on the toilet and clapped and danced, whooped and hollered!  She has an accident every now and then, but is usually dry through naps and even overnight.  I can't believe how big she's getting!

Our roller coaster of a Spring brought us some beautiful popsicle-perfect weather

We also suffered our first skinned knees, each on a separate occasion within 36 hours of each other.  Cailyn now slightly understands what a "boo-boo" is.

This was May 2, I really wanted a picture of her dimples and sparkling eyes next to my tulips in the bizarre snow- she was only interested in the fact that there was snow on the ground.  I took at least 20 pictures and every one of them looked like this, just jumping in the snow

We made a one day trip to Sioux City a few weeks ago and these attempts were made right before we left at about 8:30.  It had been a long day for all three of I'm pretty sure she was pulled away from an iPad to take this picture.

Jerod's mom came up for a couple days this past week and hung out with Cailyn.  Of course, Cailyn loved having her there and they did a lot together: walked to the park, checked out the library, visited Daddy at work, and colored pictures.  Here, they were making banana bread- it was messy, but they both had a blast :)

Uncle Tanner came up with Papa Bret to pick up Grandma- notice he's holding an iPad...I rest my case.

We have had the opportunity to babysit our friends' son who is 7 months old and Cailyn LOVES him!  This warms my heart because I know she is going to be such a good big sister.  Hopefully there's no such thing as smothering your baby brother with too much love!

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