Track and Field Day

It has been a tradition since before we got married, that on West Marshall elementary's track and field day, I use my personal day and help my love set up all the events, we get lunch at Steak Center/Woodrow's/Scoreboard, and then I hang out with him in the afternoon and see all the wild kiddos to whom this day means SO MUCH.

Well this year was Cailyn's first and so we have a few pictures to show for it!

Playing around in Daddy's baseball bag, I couldn't believe she kept the hat on long enough to snap a photo!

After an afternoon nap, we packed up the stroller and went to the high school track, the stroller didn't last too long, with so many kids running around she was itching to escape

 "Get. Off. Of. Me!"

 For the past 4 years Jerod and one of the 3rd grade teachers have a little high jumping competition- Jerod has won all 4 years and I'm not sure how with his, self-proclaimed, incredibly atrocious form.  He looks like he's going up for a layup or something.  

All in all it was a steamy day, so we left before they started the running events and baby girl tasted her first popsicle.  She refused to take tastes of mine and insisted on holding it herself- Miss Independent.  She's been teething so I think it felt good on her gums.

I could just eat her up!

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