New adventures ahead

I have refrained from mentioning much about this because I didn't want to jinx myself, but now that things are looking more clear I feel like I can share.  This will be last year with the Des Moines Public Schools, I accepted a preschool position in Marshalltown on Monday evening.  In fact it's kind of crazy because I had my interview over two weeks ago and it was taking forever for them to let me know their decision either way, so I thought I should probably apply elsewhere, just in case.  Well, as soon as I clicked 'SUBMIT' to turn in my online application to Ames Community Schools, my phone rang and it was the principal at Fisher Elementary in Mtown.  I twirled Cailyn around after I got off the phone and screamed, "Yay!  Mommy gets to be close to you next year!"   I can't tell you how great that will be to not drive an hour each way just for work. 

My position will be a little different than what I've been doing in Des Moines.  Instead of teaching a full day program of 18 students, I will have 2 half day programs and each class can have up to 4 students in special education- which means I have to learn how to write an IEP- just a fancy anagram for a learning plan for these special ed kiddos.  I'm not gonna lie- I'm intimidated by that, but I'm sure it will be fine.  Anyway, we're very excited about new opportunity, although I am obviously a little sad about leaving all of my amazing coworkers here in Des Moines.  However, that could never overshadow my need to be near our family, I am forever grateful for this new experience.

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