Palmer Candy Store

One of my favorite places from back home in Sioux City is the Palmer Candy Co. candy store. There is SO MUCH candy, and the store was remodeled to look like an old fashioned candy store but with some newer areas also, including a history of old time candy making and old machines on display. We don't go every time we're back visiting my parents, but probably at least once or twice a year, and I get nostalgic every time.

Coincidentally, this trip also happened to be over my mom's birthday party weekend and so my Aunt Michelle was in town from Washington, that's her on the far right with my mom and sisters and Cailyn.

This is just two sections of the jars of candy, there were still another 3 or 4 sections I think, plus boxes upon boxes of chocolates, nuts, gummies- you name it- on the tables, PLUS plenty of prepackaged candy on MORE shelves!

My favorite part of any candy store is their truffle selection and I will spend good money on truffles, they are my weakness.....

One of the antique candy mixing bowls on display at the front of the store

Just for fun we popped her into one of the mixers on display. We knew she was sweet but for this there are no words!

Jerod's brother Beau plays ball for Briar Cliff in Sioux City and happened to have a game that Saturday that we were in town and his parents were up for the game so we stopped by for a little while.

Unfortunately, somebody didn't get a very good afternoon nap in, and so she was a grouchy, sleepy little stink at the ball game. I love holding her, but goodness it was HOT that day so it was getting uncomfortable. Not to worry though, Grandma and Grandpa Brown were happy to cut in :)

I told Beau that if he wanted to he could take her for a walk around and go "fishing" for chicks! He declined. We found out that day that apparently he is in the top 10 in the nation (I think nation) in saves as a Closer, way to go Beau!

Ahhhhh.....resting up for a night of big fun at Grandma Jacque's 50th birthday party....

Aaron Burdorf  – ( April 19, 2012 at 6:21 PM )  

I'm in LOVE with the Cailyn in the mixer picture!! So stinkin' adorable! I have decided we are going to Palmer on our next trip to Sioux City. :) We need to get together soon!!

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