9 Months Old

Can it have already been 9 MONTHS since this chick made her entrance into this world?!

I think the recurring theme of her life will be that she thinks she's older than she really is. At nine months she:

*Is sick of baby food and being spoon fed- which makes mealtimes interesting, she eats a lot of strawberries, kiwi, bananas, bread, sometimes some soft, overcooked pasta
*Is moving into a size 4 diaper-she's got a bit of a ghetto booty ;)
*Is able to open any drawer in the house, basically, and learning how to open kitchen cupboards....great....

*Loves to dance, which consists of sitting on her feet while bouncing up and down and waving her arms
*Loves to laugh when she sees mom dancing- I'm sure that laugh will eventually turn into screams of embarrassment

*Has cut her top two teeth and cracks us up every time she smiles!
*Loves to play outside on the front stoop and inspect the flower pots
*Can stand on a stool and watch Daddy mow the lawn, she just follows him back and forth, squealing and smacking the window

*Enjoys wrestling WWE style with the throw pillows from the couch
*Loves to read books that require mom and dad to make animal noises

*Is the light of our lives and she doesn't even know it, we love you baby girl!

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