Get outta my belly!
Actually, I need my little booger ball to stay in there for another week or so to make sure he/she is done cookin', but that doesn't mean I can't be looking forward to that day right? We are at 36 weeks this Thursday and I have my next appointment Wednesday afternoon and then weekly after that (I feel like I've said this all before- forgive me if I'm repeating myself, I forget a lot of things lately). Anyway, thought I had better update with a belly pic since I haven't posted one since about 28 weeks or so I think. I'm just now beginning to swell a bit (not in my face- that's just the weight I've gained over these past few months), in my ankles and toes if I'm up on my feet for too long. Good thing today is the last day with kidlets- I'll get some much needed and appreciated resting time in my classroom as we clean and organize for next year :)
This was from my parents' home, we made our last road trip before baby for a shower my mom and sisters threw for me. I loved seeing everyone, and forgot how nice it is to see family and spend time with them. Thanks to all my fam who made it!
Looking good Mommy
Waiting for the NEWS!