28 weeks down, 12 to go!

Well, technically I don't actually hit the 28 week mark until this Thursday, but close enough, right? We're finally in the third trimester and I am slowly beginning to realize how NOT ready we are for this little person to pop out! I mean, we're ready to meet our baby and can't wait for that part, but I feel like we have nothing else prepared. Even though we still have 12 weeks, I'm starting to get a little antsy about all systems being go. It totally bugs me that the nursery is still in mid-decor mode, we don't know who we're going to have baby-sitting on days when my sister, Amanda, has class or work, we have a couple onesies and some receiving blankets but otherwise- nada, and other seemingly miniscule items that have just been driving me batty!

Plus, I can definitely believe we're at 28 weeks, but it hadn't hit me that it leaves only 12 weeks, thereabouts, left to go....my, how this has flown by. Well, here's a belly pic for 28 weeks, I'm still feeling great minus I did not pass my glucose screening and have to go in for the 3-hr glucose tolerance test in a couple of weeks- BOO! I think it may have had something to do with the lack of water intake that morning paired with the granola bar I HAD TO HAVE right at the cutoff for when I was supposed to fast before going in for the screening. Wish me luck on that, I'm not looking forward to having blood samples drawn 4 times in 3 hours, yuck :( Baby, on the other hand, seems to be doing well so far as the doctor can tell, and has been more and more active and the kicks are getting stronger! I can see my belly jump sometimes, happy week to all!

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