Although this post is a little late- the picture was actually taken when he turned 9 months old, and I was
tossing this kid into the corner of the couch just to keep him from falling off! He was so quick to pop back up and try to nosedive right off the edge! Welcome to my life people- the boy is into EVERYTHING.
Do you see what I mean?? |
This is basically what each and every mealtime looks like. You betta get yo' hands out the way when you put food in front of this kid. However, he makes for hilarious photos as such. |
This little man was a cruising champ at 9 months old- and even stood up on his own a couple times! But, he would immediately go right back down to the floor, because even he knew that his crawling skillz were just too speedy to mess with trying to walk. :)
He has learned how to put ball caps on himself. Too. Stinkin'. Cute. |
.JPG) |
Like father, like son. |
We had Cailyn's 3 year check-up and Colby's 9 month check-up on the same day to knock 'em both out at once. Cailyn was in the 85th-90th percentile for height and weight, she's always been bigger than other kids her age. Colby was in the 25th-ish percentile for height and weight. (crickets) I'm sure he'll just hit a growth spurt later on- although neither Jerod nor I are big and tall in any way, shape, or form. But it's just so crazy that his sister is so big and he's, seemingly, so small. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to see what the future holds!
Of course, we love him no matter what size he is, and he's his own person in personality, so why shouldn't he be his own person in size? The following are some snippets of his 9 month photo shoots (yes, plural- because he may be laid back, but he's also crazy active):
I apologize for this picture being sideways. I am too lazy to switch it around after already uploading it to this post. |