Hi! I'd like to introduce myself...

...my name is Mary, and I used to blog around here.  I've been absent from this part of the web for three months due to such things as, well, life.  I have a lot of catching up to do on here, so I'll do it mostly in pictures.  We haven't had a ton of new stuff happen in the past several weeks, so it didn't cross my mind that I had a lot to share.  However, I realize some people who check in our blog don't really care how much or how little we do in our little family, they just like to keep up with our simple happenings.  Hopefully this helps!

Horsing around with Daddy and Mommy's friend, Clint.  (I hope you feel honored to have made the blog, Marsden!)

He did pretty well for his first tailgate, he charmed everyone...
...and attempted to try his first weird beer (it was unopened in case you were worried)

Half of Jerod's fantasy football league together for the Iowa State vs. Toledo tailgate.  Great times had by all!

Colby's birthday party with a traditional family photo.  I'm learning much after having had one child already- keep the decor to a minimum and make less food.  I am doing okay with the first one, but I'll always make way too much food.  It's a secret fear of mine I think- to run out of food while hosting!

Lots of new toys!

Look at those one year old baby blues

And this girl's dimples, can't get enough

These two are becoming much more frequent playmates at home.  Usually this means Cailyn playing with something and Colby taking it or knocking it over and then running away while she chases him and he giggles with glee. :)

First haircut!  The mullet look was not becoming of our little man.

Trip to Center Grove Orchard

Diving in the leaves.  Seriously, she's such a ham!

Halloween with Elsa and Olaf

Eating markers.  His uncles would be disappointed, not a good source of protein!

They found Daddy's old ball caps and pulled ALL of them out

We had fun finding the Cy statues in Ames through the fall
This is the one at North Grand Mall

On the corner of Main Street next to The Cupcake Emporium (if you have not tried their goods, you must!)

In front of a dentist's office near downtown Ames (excuse JB's blurry snapping)

Outside of Hickory Park

We visited the Festival of Trees in Ames- this was Jerod's favorite tree, which could have only been surpassed if the whole thing was constructed of entirely Busch Light.

Colby couldn't tell us which one was his favorite- but this is the one he kept going back to, trying to nab ornaments from, so we made an educated guess that he like it!

The first snow of the year left enough to play in.

This is the box that Colby loved- unless he was being held in by Cailyn.

We had Christmas at our house a few days before the real thing

MORE princess dollies!

Jerod picked out my stocking stuffers all on his own this year and I received lots of good stuff including the traditional can of tuna, and a first in my mini box of Pinot Noir. 

Colby spent much of our Christmas travels this way due to cutting a molar on the bottom left side.  Poor baby, but by Friday night after Christmas day he was back to his ornery old self!

Checking out the cows in the pasture with Uncle Ty

Family Photo for Christmas 2014

A quick pic with Grandma Deb and Papa Bret before heading to Sioux City on Christmas Eve night

Opening gifts with Grandma Jacque.  This was his favorite part.  Not the things inside the wrapping paper, just tearing off the paper.

Playing with the Ice Castle and Frozen characters that Santa brought her

Relaxing with Papa Mark

Cailyn has a growing loves of games- card and board games alike.  In the Sioux-er it was Trouble, she loved popping the dice in the bubble.

Figuring out his own Santa gift, a Jake and the Neverland Pirates four wheeler.  I'm happy and also regret to say that he has since figured it out and is very comfortable using it.

Carousel ride at the mall- with a surprise smile from the hubs!!

We visited Uncle Tom and Aunt Michelle to deliver some gifts and finally see their house!

Michelle picked out a perfect game for Cailyn- we play it all. the. time.

The rest of our break we took it pretty easy and tried to do some extra special things.  My friend, Jamie, reminded me that Perfect Games in Ames had some bowling specials going so we dropped in for a game...

...and to hit up the kids arcade area

The competitions have officially begun!

I hope your lives have been as full as ours since the last post.  I can't promise I'll be very frequent, but I can assure you I'll be back again, eventually!

Also, in case you don't keep track- the Bills definitely didn't earn a playoff berth.  However, they do have a new coach in Rex Ryan for next year.  I don't know what that means exactly, but Jerod was highly amused by it.  Happy New Year friends!


Happy Birthday Colby!

My youngest baby turned one today!  Technically, he doesn't actually hit the one year mark until 11:39- at this point last year we were just chilling in the hospital room awaiting his arrival.  He was so timely, waited for me to finish Fall conferences, but didn't make me suffer through yet another day of work in my largely watermelon-shaped pregnant state.


Colby's first Cy-Hawk showdown.  Like I said, I'll let my kids dress in Hawkeye gear every year if that means the Cyclones win, which they did this year!

This little boy L-O-V-E-S the bathtub, which is perfect for when I'm getting ready some mornings and he chooses to be an early riser.  He prefers water, but he'll roll around in there without it, too.  :)

Colby saw his first trip to the ER before officially turning the big ONE.  Long story short- random symptoms from his cold and a sprained ankle led the doctors to believe he could possibly have an infection in his joints and therefore they wanted us to come in right away, which happened to be a Friday night.  We had some great bonding time and he was a trooper.  Plus, we learned he doesn't have an infection!

This sight is always terrifying and hilarious at the same time because I swear she's going to body slam him...

...but as long as she gives him a ride in the box he doesn't mind.

By the way, look at these two one year later!

At one year of age Colby is weighing in at 19lb 5oz, and he has 6 and a half teeth (there's a molar growing in on the top left).  He enjoys throwing things in the trash and the toilet, pulling all the toilet paper off the roll, removing every bakeware item I have in the lower kitchen cabinets, and climbing on everything.

His first birthday cupcake was eaten like this: poke, lick the finger, poke, lick the finger, grab, smash it in his mouth.

He's smiling because he's just been told he needs to take a tubby to get the chocolate off of him!

 To close out: monthly pictures, which I realized I somehow missed at 3 months- don't judge me!  Just enjoy how much he's changed, I can't believe how he's grown.  We and his big sister couldn't imagine a day without him here.